Atharva Jagtap
5 min readJun 25, 2021

Have you ever noticed that your website is lacking something? Maybe it’s not appealing enough or it’s not as visionary as you want it to be. JavaScript is that missing key which can be used to embellish web pages, applications, etc. It also provides more user-friendly actions.

This article will give short explanation about JavaScript and it’s usage which clarify the concept of JavaScript role in Big Companies

First we are going to see a short explanation on JavaScript

JavaScript (JS) is a scripting languages, primarily used on the Web. It is used to enhance HTML pages and is commonly found embedded in HTML code. JavaScript is an interpreted language. Thus, it doesn’t need to be compiled. JavaScript renders web pages in an interactive and dynamic fashion, where type safety is verified at the runtime.. This allowing the pages to react to events, exhibit special effects, accept variable text, validate data, create cookies, detect a user’s browser, etc.

But how JS runtime handles tasks or executes asynchronous codes?

JavaScript is asynchronous by nature, meaning it is designed to ensure the non-blocking code execution. Non blocking code do not prevent the execution of another piece of code. This means that the server works in much the same way, waiting in a loop for a network request, and accepting more incoming requests while the first one is being handled.

But What’s Asynchronous codes/Program ?

Asynchronous programming is great for a faster execution of programs but it is difficult to develop and most of the time you might end up with callback hell situations. So to avoid it you can modularise your code, use generators, promises, event-driven programming or Async.js.

Here the Feature Light weight Feature of JavaScript

JS is considered a lightweight programming language and one of the many reasons is that it does not have any variable types, unlike other languages. It has a very small memory footprint and is easily implemented. This is important especially for porting.

JS becomes more lightweight as more and more libraries and frameworks are released. Vue, Ember, Angular are some of the top JS lightweight libraries.

Now Let’s see General Features of JavaScript.

1. write web applications for browsers :-

Generally, HTML by itself is not that smart. It doesn’t know maths and is not functionally rich. That’s why here JavaScript is the winner. JavaScript makes a web page intelligent and respondent. Basically, a browser understands only JavaScript․ And as you already guess this is the reason that there are a lot of UI Frameworks based on JavaScript, including famous and popular React, Angular, Vue, Ember, Meteor, etc. Among the top popular web applications written in JS you can find Paypal, Yahoo, NetFlix, Slack, GoDaddy, etc.

2. create browser extensions:-

Google Chrome and Firefox added an ability to create extensions/add-ons using web technologies (HTML, CSS, JS). Extensions allow us to add functionality to browsers without diving deeply into native code. If you’ve ever built a web page, you should feel home with extensions. JavaScript is great for building extensions because you can modify user browser functionality, add some new texts, functionalities like translate, proxy connection etc. Maybe you know about Adblock Plus, HubSpot, LastPass. They are quite popular browser extensions that are written in JS.

3. create native mobile apps:-

React Native, a JavaScript code library developed by Facebook and Instagram, released on Github in 2013, allows us to achieve both performance and great portability when building a mobile application. It uses the same design as React, letting you compose a rich mobile UI from declarative components, at the same time, creating cross-platform mobile apps which will run on Windows/iOS/Android almost with the same codebase. The number of mobile native apps developed in JavaScript is growing really rapidly. Among popular mobile applications that were built with React Native you can find Facebook, Walmart, Bloomberg, Instagram, Soundcould Pulse and others.

The Top Companies Which use JavaScript/JavaScript Framework are

1. Gmail

Since Gmail was developed as a single-page emailing application in 2004, it served as the perfect use case for integrating AngularJS.

Every time a user opens Google’s mail service, the web app loads one single HTML page whilst dynamically updating information based on new messages or notifications.

Whether you’re reading an email, drafting a new message, or switching tabs, AngularJS handles every action within a single webpage.

2. Uber

Uber is a pseudo taxi service for people who need to get somewhere fast but are appalled by the inflated prices of a yellow cab.

The people who work for Uber are regular joes who must go through background checks.

Of the companies that use Node.js, Uber was one of the first to use the framework to its fullest extent by building the bulk of the Uber platform in Node.js.

There are three main reasons why Uber chose Node.js: ease of error-checking; fast processing speeds; and continuous development thanks to the open-source community.

3. GoDaddy

Businesses use GoDaddy to host websites and register domain names on the Internet.

Their back-end infrastructure is dependent on Node.js. Senior Software Developer Stephen Commisso maintains this is because of its ability to make quality apps and release new features quickly.

In addition, Node.js is practical for testing, NPM resources, and REST.

Representational State Transfer (REST) defines standards between computer systems and web services, a powerful feature for GoDaddy developers.

4. Medium

Medium is an online platform for publishing articles with a large diversity of content. Medium developers build their app servers with Node.js accompanied by the webserver NGINX.

The Medium team enjoys the privilege of being able to share code between the server-side and client-side. They’ve also sped up deployment times by a whopping 15 minutes.

I hope that you had enjoyed the article and learned a new concept today :D.

Thank you for Reading my article.

