Atharva Jagtap
5 min readSep 29, 2021

Hello Everyone, this article is all about fun and cool commands in LINUX. You are going to see some popular and interesting fun commands, and also how to install this package too.

  1. Cowsay Command -

This code renders a cow that says(in a text bubble) whatever you give it as input. Syntax for installing the cowsay package -

~ sudo apt install cowsay

And Syntax for executing this program -

Text ( input ) can be with or without (“ ”)

~ cowsay "text" or text

You can add different character which are in cowsay package, and to see the list of enjoyable characters supported by cowsay command, type this -

~ cowsay -l

Some of the characters supported cowsay command with their Syntax are show below 👇

Dragon -

~ cowsay - f dragon [input you want to display]

And to see the input text in multiple colors use the command -

~ sudo apt-get install lolcat

this can be used in conjunction with other commands as well.

To add this command with a character input text type this Syntax -

cowsay - f dragon heyyyy! | lolcat

‘-f ’ get the character from cowfile and ‘ | ’ Pipe is used to combine two or more commands, here the output of one command acts as input to another command, and this command’s output may act as input to the next command and so on.

Another character in cowsay package -

Unicorn -

cowthink -f unipony [input text]

“cowthink” this is just an extension of cowsay where cow and other character think what you give it as input.

2. XCowsay -

This xcowsay code pop up a cow that renders what you say as input.It has a better GUI based cow unlike cowsay.

Syntax to install the xcowsay package-

~ sudo apt install xcowsay

Syntax to run -

xcowsay [input text]

3. aafire Command -

To see the fire on your terminal install this aafire package on your terminal and see the magic on your terminal.

Syntax to install -

~ sudo apt install aafire 

Syntax to run -

~ aafire 

4. bb Command -

This Command play text animation with an audio.

Syntax to install -

~ sudo apt install bb

Syntax to run -


5. toilet Command -

As funny as it sound this command show the input text into some kind of font style.

Syntax to install -

~ sudo apt install toilet

Syntax to run -

toilet [input text]

6. asciiquarium Command -

This Command brings aquarium on terminal to install -

Step 1 -

~ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ytvwld/asciiquarium

Step 2 -

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install asciiquarium

Now it is ready to bring the aquarium.

~ asciiquarium

7. sl Command -

Sometimes programmers by-mistakenly type sl instead “ls” the list command, which is used frequently to view the contents of a folder. So make it little fun sl command doesn’t show command not found instead of that it shows something magical.

Syntax to install -

~ sudo apt install sl 

Syntax to run -

~ sl

8. Fortune Command -

Get your fortune for the day or words of confidence and wisdom to change your fortune if it appears bleak from the wise.

Syntax to install -

~ sudo apt install fortune

Syntax to run -

~ fortune

9. Ponysay Command -

Just like xcowsay ponysay also shows a unicorn saying the input message, but it changes the character every time we execute it.

Syntax to install -

~ sudo snap install ponysay 

Syntax to run -

~ ponysay [input text]

